As most of you know, I am a transplant to Louisville...almost 8 years now (YIKES!). One of the first person I met when visiting my now husband was Trey and his, then, girlfriend (now wife), Stacey. I remember so vividly meeting Stacey and feeling a kinship with we were both from out west. I have always had a special place in my heart for the Crawford family...they are amazing to me. I was extremely honored when they asked me to take their new little guy's picture. I had so much fun...even when he pooped on the blanket! ;) I really hope I did him justice. :)

Colin's older sister wanted to get in on the picture taking...and I am SO glad she did! I LOVE Clara...she is so smart and sweet and so proud to be a big sister.

One of just Clara! Those eyes!

Colin's older sister wanted to get in on the picture taking...and I am SO glad she did! I LOVE Clara...she is so smart and sweet and so proud to be a big sister.

One of just Clara! Those eyes!

adorable kids, and beautiful shots!!! love the one of them together, so sweet!