Here we go folks! It is LAUNCH DAY!!!!
After many, many hours of work (yeah, and I am serious on that...who knew putting together a website would be so much darn work!? ;)), it is time to launch the Images website. YEAH!!!!!
Here ya go:
The most important thing you will find is a new pricing structure....which means, I actually have one! You all need to know that figuring out pricing has been THE hardest part of getting Images up and running. The last six months, I have basically been portfolio building (thank you to everyone who gave me the chance!), practicing, getting my bearings. Now it is time to take it is time to fly (I hope!). Pricing is part of that process.
However...ALWAYS check the blog for the latest and greatest deals and promotions. I do plan on offering monthly discounts, promotions check back often! :)
Go...take a gander. :) Let me know what you think. :)
it looks absolutely fabulous! good work my friend!! can we still be your test subjects, cuz we have no money!! :-) just jokes! for reals though, you've done a great job and i hope you have so much success from this!