I have had the opportunity to spend time with quite a few newborns lately. ALL lovely, all precious...all of them make my ovaries spazz out! However...Baby D was THE calmest little newborn I have ever taken pictures of. Maybe it is because he has two older brothers and he already knew being calm is the way to survive. He is absolutely precious...and perfect! He had a bit of a bumpy arrival...a trip to the NICU...but 2 weeks of life and he is as calm as can be! When I look at some of his pictures, I just see "peace".

This one makes me smile:

And what would a shoot be if I couldn't capture all three brothers...I LOVE 4year old goofiness.

This one makes me smile:

And what would a shoot be if I couldn't capture all three brothers...I LOVE 4year old goofiness.

wow rach, your pictures are great. i haven't looked on here in forever. looks like you're having a ton of fun and producing some fabulous memories!